From Christian to Quaker – a spiritual journey from evangelical Christian to universalist Quaker, Tony Philpott, 2013, 282 pp. (£8.00 + £2.00 p&p)
From Christian to Quaker is an account of a spiritual journey from evangelical Christian to universalist Quaker. It explores en route how atheism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, paganism, mysticism and liberal Christianity attempt to answer the big questions relating to truth, the self, time, God, life after death, meaning and purpose in life, and behaviour. The book illustrates the emotional and intellectual impact on adult life of teenage years immersed in evangelical Christianity.
When the book was reviewed by Alec Davison in the Friend (12.12.14.) he described it as ‘a triumph’ and ‘a feast of a book – a real humdinger’ that he ‘avidly devoured’. He concluded that ‘Tony’s journey, recounted so beguilingly, is archetypally the journey of all awakened contemporary questers, breaking out from ossified moulds and heading for new destinations.’ The book was made a ‘book of the month’ by the Quaker Centre Bookshop in Friends House, London, in 2014.
As well as being the record of an inspiring personal journey we feel that the book has much to say about the Quaker way today.
For information on how to purchase please go here