Our beginnings
The Quaker Universalist Group (QUG) was founded following a talk given by John Linton in 1977. This talk is reproduced in our Pamphlet No. 1 published in 1979 – Quakerism as Forerunner.
Our statement of principle, which underlies what we set out to do, is written below. It can be found in more general terms in Quaker Faith and Practice 27.04, written by Alastair Heron, Ralph Hetherington and Joseph Pickvance in 1994.
Further reflections are to be found on the Posts page here
Quaker Universalism
Spiritual Awareness
Is accessible to everyone of any religion or none,
and no one person
and no one faith
has the final revelation
or monopoly of truth.
Such awareness may be expressed in many different ways.
We delight in this diversity.