Her Mother’s Eyes – and other poems, David Brazier, 2011, 101 pp. (£6.00 + £2.00 p&p)
Dharmavidya Dr David Brazier is well-known as a Buddhist teacher, writer and psychotherapist but his spiritual perspective is broad, encompassing mystical traditions of all faiths. He is a founder member of the Amida Order of socially engaged Buddhism and travels extensively in Europe, Asia and North America in support of the Order’s spiritual, educational and social work. He was recently listed along with the Dalai Lama as one of the twelve Buddhist commentators on current affairs most worth following on Twitter.
‘In this, David Brazier’s first collection of poems, we meet a keen and compassionate man of the Way, who invites us into the compelling music of his verse. These poems ride the spectrum of experience and emotion, from the tragic to the humorous, and many of them stand out as spiritual teachings that urge us always toward the light, but not at the expense of confronting the shadows. In his impeccable formal style, David gives an all-embracing vision through which we may come to see ourselves, and our world, anew’ (Jason Ranek, award winning poet and author of The Crossing).
‘David Brazier’s collection will captivate a wide range of readers as it addresses so many themes and does so in such a rich mix of styles. The poems are profoundly humane and refreshingly full of surprises – poets don’t often write on starlings, rape or divorce. The sweep is global, spanning centuries and communities … and evoking Jesus and the Buddha. Striking opening lines draw the reader in … You’ll find musical lines and food for thought …’ (Eleanor Nesbitt, Professor Emerita in Religions and Education at Warwick University and co-author of the poetry anthology Gemini Four).
For information on how to purchase please go here