Pamphlet 38: ‘Mind the Oneness: The Mystic Way of the Quakers’, Rex Ambler, 2017

This pamphlet comprehensively explores Quaker mysticism from the earliest years of George Fox to the present day, and is an expanded version of the talk given by Rex Ambler to the 2017 Quaker Universalist Group annual conference on mysticism. The text is very well referenced and easy to read and will provide an excellent introduction and source for further reading for anyone wanting to learn more about this fascinating and important aspect of Quakerism.

Rex Ambler was a lecturer in philosophical theology at Birmingham University for over thirty years. Now retired, he works mostly with Quakers, giving talks and workshops on Quaker faith and practice. He is a leading author of works on the spiritual aspect of Quakerism, including Light to Live by: an exploration in Quaker spirituality (Quaker Books, 2002/2008) and his most recent book The Quaker Way: a Rediscovery (Christian Alternative Books, 2013).

Rex is particularly well known within the Society of Friends for his work in establishing and developing the Experiment with Light groups which use meditations based on early Friends’ writings and practices to facilitate self-discovery and enquiry. These groups now exist widely throughout the country. Rex’s present concern is to bring the sense of the mystical back into the Quakerism of today.od was present in early Judaism.

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